Developer Notes

JavaScript: find the types of a variables

January 12, 2021

Often I need to find what is the type of given variable so I could decide how to handle it or what methods I may expect. At the same time using typeof is not always the solution we need. For example typeof [] will return object that is because arrays are extended objects but it’s not what we want to get.

There is Array.isArray([]) that will return boolean but again we need to check for multiple types.

Function below gonna returning string value of the passed variable:

1function type(value) {
2 return Object.prototype.toString
3 .call(value)
4 .replace(/\[object |\]/gi,'')
5 .toLowerCase();

I’m going with .toLowerCase() just to not relay on capital latters when comparing types. After all we are working with exact string matching later on.

Let’s write a test about it to be sure that everything is as expected:

1describe('type', () => {
2 it('should return the correct type', () => {
3 [
4 ['map', new Map()],
5 ['set', new Set()],
6 ['weakmap', new WeakMap()],
7 ['object', {}],
8 ['string', 'Hello'],
9 ['array', []],
10 ['boolean', true],
11 ['number', 5],
12 ['function', () => {}],
13 ['date', new Date()],
14 ['generatorfunction', function* generator() {}],
15 ].forEach(([expectedType, value]) => {
16 expect(type(value)).toBe(expectedType)
17 })
18 })

The test is not very extensiv or cover all posible cases but still - show that in most common cases it’s working.

In the cases where we need to accept for example two or more types, now there is a simple way of checking them without writing multiple if:

1function oneOfType(value, types) {
2 return (types || []).includes(type(value))
5const foo = 'must-be-string'
7if (oneOfType(foo, ['string', 'array'])) {
8 console.log(foo.length)

My name is Bozhidar Dryanovski and I'm a Software Engineer at Clarity
You should follow me on Twitter or Check my work at Github

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